Our clients seek our assistance to obtain independent advice to help them improve their marketing, operations, organizational and profit performance.
Hart & Associates is frequently asked to provide fresh thinking about whether and how our clients should pursue a new business initiative. We conduct full feasibility studies to help clients start a business or assess the prospects of a company they intend to buy.
We bring together our skills of marketing, finance operations and production to provide an accurate assessment of a proposed venture and a detailed implementation plan clients can use.
strategic business opportunities
We assist clients in a number of ways including: identifying specific conditions regarding competition, customer needs, product and service delivery requirements, operational and capital costing, production requirements, organizational and human resource needs and overall assessment of profitability, return on investment and implementation plan.
- Feasibility Studies
- Business Planning and Implementation Plans
- Strategic & Directional Planning
- Assessing viability of your proposed investments (purchasing a new company, investing in a new plant expansion)
- Advice on buying and selling a business (management team assessments, marketing and sales capabilities, determining vale of target company, pricing your business, asset valuations, transition planning)
- Business Plans and project evaluation to support bank financing, private equity placement
- Team building
- Identifying and accessing financing and tax incentive programs ( SR+ED and others)